Wednesday, February 23, 2011


8-9:00  Registration / Coffee & Breakfast
9-9:30  Welcoming Remarks
  • Ms. Katrina Griffin, AATG Maryland/DC Metro
  • Dr. Lawrence Poos, Catholic University
  • Ms. Andrea Christ, Embassy of Federal Republic of Germany
  • Mr. Ulrich Braess, Goethe-Institut Washington
 9:30-12:30  Discussion Panels (consecutive)
  • Panel 1: Why learn German? Perspectives from the Business and Government World (Moderator: Dr. Mohamed Esa, McDaniel College)
    Dr. Daniel Hamilton, Center for Transatlantic Relations, SAIS

    Mr. Dennis Burnett, EADS North America, Inc.

    Mr. Peter J. Esser, Representative of German Industry & Trade

    Mr. Tyson Barker, Bertelsmann Foundation, Washington DC
  • Plenary Address: The State of German Education in the US
    Ms. Helene Zimmer-Loew, Executive Director of AATG

    Coffee Break
  • Panel 2:  Current Challenges to Offering German  – Facts on the Ground (Moderator: Ms. Amy Peterschmidt, Bryn Mawr School)
    Ms. Susan Spinnato, Maryland Department of Education

    Ms. Claudia Bezaka, Washington, DC Public Schools 

    Ms. Helen Small, Virginia Department of Education

    Ms. Leslie Grahn/ Ms. Debbie Espitia, Howard County Public Schools
  • Panel 3:  Success Stories / Direct & Local (Moderator: Ms. Deborah McGee Mifflin, Johns Hopkins University)
    Dr. Bill Heiser, Mr. George Lindley, and Ms. Katrina Griffin, Anne Arundel County Public Schools

    Ms. Jennifer Kraeer & Attilie Kilmon, Dorchester County Public Schools

    Dr. Lawrence Poos, Dr. Claudia Bornholdt, Catholic University
12:30  Lunch

1:30 – 3:00  Breakout for Working Groups (concurrent)
  • Group 1: Creating partnerships with the business community
  • Group 2: Creating new promotional materials – Why learn German?
  • Group 3: Creating educational partnerships across school levels
  • Group 4: Improving the pool of qualified German teachers
  • Group 5: Connecting / Outreach to the community
3:00 – 3:30  Coffee Break

3:30 – 4:15  Group Reports

4:15  Future Planning: “Sustaining the Momentum” & What’s Next?

4:30  Cocktail Reception

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


The Summit on the Future of German in Maryland and the DC Region is a few days away!  Over 100 interested folks are registered for this important event!  

Questions?  Contact:
Katrina Griffin, Chapter President,
Claudia Bornholdt, Catholic University,

Parking Information

Click on the Parking Information Page above for map and instructions.
If you have any questions about parking, please contact Claudia Bornholdt,

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Thank you for Registering! Venue Information

Registration for the Summit is ongoing.   Once you complete the RSVP form, your registration is complete.  Please check back on this site next week for parking information and a more detailed agenda. 


Venue:  The Summit will take place at Catholic University in the Pryzbyla Center Room 320A. The building is very modern (unlike all the other buildings on campus) and the room is located on the 2nd floor.
Campus map: