Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Register for Summit Today!

The Registration Form for the Future of German Summit II "German means Business" is up.  Remember to include your affiliation and preference for discussion group in the comments section.

Here is the link to the website and the registration form:

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Next Stammtisch - November 10, Gordon Biersch, 7pm

Liebe AATG-Mitglieder,

Ich hoffe, dass ihr einen guten Start ins neue Schuljahr/Semester hattet und sich mittlerweile Routine, im guten Sinne, eingestellt hat.

Ich moechte euch zum naechsten AATG Stammtisch einladen, der wieder in Washington stattfindet. Das Restaurant Gordon Biersch liegt zentral, ist per Metro gut zu erreichen und bietet ausreichend Parkmoeglichkeiten, da es in der Naehe des Verizon Centers liegt (keine Veranstaltung dort an dem Abend!)

Hier ist der Link zu Gordon Bierschs Webseite:

Ich hoffe, ihr koennt kommen; die bisherigen Treffen waren stets unterhaltsam und informativ - bei Speis' und Trank!

Fragen?  Schickt mir eine Mail --

Beste Gruesse,

Susanne Sutton
(AATG-Chapter Vorstandsmitglied)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Summit II - German Means Business

This is just a reminder to everyone that we will hold our second summit on Friday, December 9, 2-5 pm in the Goethe-Institut. Registration information will be coming your way soon. At this point, we are still hoping to interest more companies and businesses to participate in the event and it would be wonderful if you could help us spread the word.
Please feel free to get in touch with me at any time at

Monday, August 8, 2011

Next Stammtisch: Friday, August 26, 2011

Liebe Kollegen und Kolleginnen,

Das AATG Stammtischtreffen fuer diesen Monat findet auf Wunsch am Freitag, den 26.August um 7 Uhr in Baltimore statt. Hoffentlich koennen wir dadurch viele der Deutschlehrer und Deutschlehrerinnen in Maryland erreichen. Wir treffen uns bei AATG Kollegin Amy Peterschmidt zu einem 'Back to School - Share and Swap' Abend. Amy hat viel Unterrichtsmaterial, das sie weitergeben moechte.  Bringt eure Ideen und Materialien, die ihr erfolgreich im Unterricht eingesetzt habt, genauso wie eure Fragen zum Treffen mit. Besonders moechten wir junge Kollegen und Kolleginnen und Berufsanfaenger ermutigen, zum Treffen zu kommen.
Wir werden Pizza bestellen und bitten euch deshalb,  5 Dollar fuer Unkosten und Essen mitzubringen.

Amy und Susanne

Wegbeschreibung & Evite:

Monday, July 18, 2011

Change of Venue for Stammtisch - Gordon Biersch

Liebe Kollegen und Kolleginnen,

Achtung!! Wegen eines Notfalls kann das naechste Treffen leider nicht bei Claudia Bornholdt auf ihrer Dachterrasse stattfinden. Wir werden uns stattdessen bei Gordon Biersch in Washington treffen. Das ist zentral gelegen und mit der Metro sehr gut zu erreichen. Die Adresse ist 100 F Street NW

Hier ist der Link zu der Webseite des Restaurants:

Ich hoffe ihr koennt euch ein bisschen Zeit nehmen und kommen.


Susanne Sutton,

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Nächster Stammtisch am Donnerstag, 21. Juli, in Washington, DC - ab 19Uhr

Liebe Kollegen und Kolleginnen,

Fuer den naechsten Stammtisch am Donnerstag, den 21. Juli um 7 Uhr bei
Claudia Bornholdt in DC koennt ihr euch jetzt per Evite anmelden.Offenbar
hat es mit meiner Mail an den listserv durch Evite direkt nicht geklappt,
deshalb hier der Link zu der Einladung:

Ueberlegt doch bitte, ob ihr nicht einen Kollegen oder eine Kollegin
mitbringen koennt, der/die bisher noch wenig oder keinen Kontakt zu
unserem AATG-Verband vor Ort hat. Ich halte den kollegialen Austausch und
die gegenseitige Unterstuetzung fuer unerhoert wichtig und denke, unsere
Treffen bieten dafuer eine gute Moeglichkeit.

Ich hoffe, ihr koennt den Sommer geniessen und auch ein bisschen entspannen.

Mit besten Gruessen,

Susanne Sutton


Susanne S. Sutton
Lecturer of German
Modern Languages, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication
University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC)
1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250
Office: AC IV B-Wing, #142A
Tel: 410-455-2003
Fax: 410-455-1025

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Kommt zum nächsten Stammtisch!

AATG CHAPTER STAMMTISCH - Next Meeting June 16 ('Potluck Stammtisch!') Let’s Get Together!
Educators of German in D.C., Maryland, and No Virginia Meet Colleagues-Exchange Ideas -Network-Socialize!

When:            Thursday, June 16, 7-9 PM
Where:          At Susanne Sutton's in Laurel, MD

To RSVP and receive more information (address, directions etc.), send an e-mail by Sunday, June 12 to Susanne Sutton at:

Next Stammtisch Dates: July 21 (D.C.), August 18 (Baltimore)

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Let’s Get Together! 
Educators of German in D.C., Maryland, and No Virginia
Meet Colleagues-Exchange Ideas -Network-Socialize!
When:            Thursday, May 19, 7-9 PM

Where:          Biergarten Haus, Washington, D.C.

RSVP by Friday, May 13 to Susanne Sutton at:
Next Stammtisch Dates: June 16 (Laurel MD); July 21 (D.C.), August 18 (Baltimore)

Monday, April 18, 2011

German Businesses in Virginia

The German American Trade Magazine spotlighted the State of Virginia in its March-April 2010 issue.  This is a great magazine in general and they have begun highlighting one state in each issue, including listing of German businesses in the highlighted state.  Have a look at Virginia:


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Follow Up Publicity

A very special Thank You to Frau Christina Bergmann who covered the event for the Deutsche Welle.  Here are the links:

Der Online-Artikel,,6454756,00.html
Der Audio-Bericht!/86582/Kultur/Program=3162
Minute 6:15

Also, please visit our chapter website for an excellent summary report by Mary Upman and great pictures of the Summit. 

Finally, an online video of the day's events is available at

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Message from Ruediger Lentz, German American Heritage Museum

Opportunities for collaboration with the German American Heritage Museum:

1.  The “oral and visual history project":  German Americans of all ages tape and store their personal data and stories in a collective memory database.  Visit the Museum and tell your German-American story! 

2.  400 years of German immigration to America Timeline.  Visit the museum with your students to interact with the multi-media timeline in person  or oder the nicely edited booklet, which retells the Timeline in German and English.  Free of charge.

Rüdiger Lentz

Executive Director
German-American Heritage Foundation of the USA®
719 6th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 467-5000

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


8-9:00  Registration / Coffee & Breakfast
9-9:30  Welcoming Remarks
  • Ms. Katrina Griffin, AATG Maryland/DC Metro
  • Dr. Lawrence Poos, Catholic University
  • Ms. Andrea Christ, Embassy of Federal Republic of Germany
  • Mr. Ulrich Braess, Goethe-Institut Washington
 9:30-12:30  Discussion Panels (consecutive)
  • Panel 1: Why learn German? Perspectives from the Business and Government World (Moderator: Dr. Mohamed Esa, McDaniel College)
    Dr. Daniel Hamilton, Center for Transatlantic Relations, SAIS

    Mr. Dennis Burnett, EADS North America, Inc.

    Mr. Peter J. Esser, Representative of German Industry & Trade

    Mr. Tyson Barker, Bertelsmann Foundation, Washington DC
  • Plenary Address: The State of German Education in the US
    Ms. Helene Zimmer-Loew, Executive Director of AATG

    Coffee Break
  • Panel 2:  Current Challenges to Offering German  – Facts on the Ground (Moderator: Ms. Amy Peterschmidt, Bryn Mawr School)
    Ms. Susan Spinnato, Maryland Department of Education

    Ms. Claudia Bezaka, Washington, DC Public Schools 

    Ms. Helen Small, Virginia Department of Education

    Ms. Leslie Grahn/ Ms. Debbie Espitia, Howard County Public Schools
  • Panel 3:  Success Stories / Direct & Local (Moderator: Ms. Deborah McGee Mifflin, Johns Hopkins University)
    Dr. Bill Heiser, Mr. George Lindley, and Ms. Katrina Griffin, Anne Arundel County Public Schools

    Ms. Jennifer Kraeer & Attilie Kilmon, Dorchester County Public Schools

    Dr. Lawrence Poos, Dr. Claudia Bornholdt, Catholic University
12:30  Lunch

1:30 – 3:00  Breakout for Working Groups (concurrent)
  • Group 1: Creating partnerships with the business community
  • Group 2: Creating new promotional materials – Why learn German?
  • Group 3: Creating educational partnerships across school levels
  • Group 4: Improving the pool of qualified German teachers
  • Group 5: Connecting / Outreach to the community
3:00 – 3:30  Coffee Break

3:30 – 4:15  Group Reports

4:15  Future Planning: “Sustaining the Momentum” & What’s Next?

4:30  Cocktail Reception

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


The Summit on the Future of German in Maryland and the DC Region is a few days away!  Over 100 interested folks are registered for this important event!  

Questions?  Contact:
Katrina Griffin, Chapter President,
Claudia Bornholdt, Catholic University,

Parking Information

Click on the Parking Information Page above for map and instructions.
If you have any questions about parking, please contact Claudia Bornholdt,

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Thank you for Registering! Venue Information

Registration for the Summit is ongoing.   Once you complete the RSVP form, your registration is complete.  Please check back on this site next week for parking information and a more detailed agenda. 


Venue:  The Summit will take place at Catholic University in the Pryzbyla Center Room 320A. The building is very modern (unlike all the other buildings on campus) and the room is located on the 2nd floor.
Campus map:

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Welcome to Future of German Summit Blog!  If you have not already, please read the invitation under "Resources" and RSVP by February 11, 2011. 
Summit on the Future of German
The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC
Saturday, February 26, 2011, 8:00am-5:30 pm.
Pryzbyla Center 320A
Please RSVP by February 11:
As February 26 nears, we will post important information and will also maintain this blog after the summit is over to support you.  Your comments and tips are welcome!